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Love Your Location but Not the House? All About Whole Home Remodels

September 24, 2021


Location is often the most important factor when shopping for a home. It is the hardest thing — and usually not even an option — to change. Virtually all of the rest can be scrapped or altered. If you live in a home or are purchasing a new home with a great location but interiors that don’t work for you, whole home remodeling may be right for you. From outdated finishes to an unworkable floor plan or bland exterior, most of the things you dislike about your home can be changed through renovation work. Even for practiced DIYers, changes on this large of a scale are best left to home renovation professionals like RSU Contractors.  

Get a Vision 

The first place to look to find your new vision for your home is around your home itself. Are there walls you wish weren’t there? Have you always thought of adding an extra bathroom somewhere? Before seeking external inspiration, decide what aspects of your home that you’d like removed or added to. Next, look to friends and family, TV shows, magazines, artwork, social media, etc., for inspiration and to grow your skill in having a vision so that your whole house remodeling project is what you actually want. 

Visual inspiration is important for a whole home remodel. Binders of magazine clippings are a more traditional way of growing inspiration, but a more recent trend is using Pinterest or Instagram to hone in on your vision. If you choose a home design show to watch, such as HGTV’s Property Brothers which often features RSU’s work, choose one that matches your projects and style. Ask for opinions from loved ones, but remember to take their words with a grain of salt. 

Through research and inspiration gathering, you can visualize a more accurate idea of what you want at the end of your home remodeling process. Put that into words or in a sketch for your renovation professional to get a more accurate idea of what you want. They can then discuss with you what is and is not possible and give a closer pricing estimate.  

Know the Price  

You are making a sound decision by investing in and improving your home’s value, but keep in mind that any work you have done needs to be worth it. Your contractor can educate you about the ROI for your renovation and help you make sound financial decisions during the process. Choosing a trusted contractor and communicating early and regularly with the project manager is key to spending wisely. A good contractor will have your vision mapped out early and keep you updated on spending and timelines according to the original plan. 

It is unwise to give cash up front on a project- we all know a story where someone was left with incomplete services and lost out on money and time. Look for remodeling companies that not only guarantee exceptional products and services, but also offer financing options. This is not solely for people who need a little financial assistance but for all homeowners, regardless of monthly income flow, who do not want the professional relationship or project to end unhappily. Securing some type of financing will help sweeten and not sour the home remodeling experience. 

Have Realistic Expectations 

Realistic expectations are key to happiness. Ask your dedicated project supervisor for advice and tips on how to navigate your daily life in this process. Will you need to stay somewhere else? What have previous clients done to continue living life with as little interruption as reasonably possible? Are there any hazardous materials or conditions that will prevent you from using your home during the renovation? What additional costs will you incur, if any? How will they keep the work area safe for your family, you, and the workers? Discuss these types of questions and the project timeline with your dedicated project supervisor so that you have a more accurate idea of what to expect during this process. 

With a vision, a plan, and the invaluable support of an excellent renovations contracting team, the process of remodeling your entire home can be an enjoyable rather than a stressful experience.  

It is time to stop hating your home. Reach out to a contractor that you trust will treat you and your remodel with as much care as if it were their own home. RSU Contractors is a premier home renovations contractor serving Middle Tennessee. You can reach out to us and start the process by calling (615) 269-3906.