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Remodeling with Isolated Job Sites: Advantages and Disadvantages

February 20, 2021


 There’s no beating around the bush about it – remodeling is an invasive job. It is 100 percent worth it, but when you choose to undergo a home remodel you simply need to be aware of this fact. Some families choose to move out of their home during the remodeling process, but others may not wish to leave or have the option to. For families who choose to remain in their homes during a remodel, some contractors offer the option of isolated job sites to reduce the invasiveness of the process. RSU Contractors is one such company, and we would be glad to tell you more about the advantages and disadvantages of having an isolated job site for your Franklin, Brentwood or Nashville home remodel.  


The age of social distancing does not mean you have to wait to get the home remodel you’ve always wanted. In current times, one of the main draws of having an isolated job site for your home remodel is that it allows your contractor to maintain recommended COVID guidelines if this is something you desire for your remodel. RSU Construction follows basic COVID guidelines and procedures in our remodeling work, but clients do have the option to request we adhere to stricter COVID guidelines such as regular testing for all workers.  

In broader terms, there are many advantages to having your contractor maintain an isolated job site during your remodel. First, it can help to reduce any stress you might experience. As we mentioned earlier, remodeling is invasive. Unless you move out of your home during the remodel (which is invasive in its own way!), you will experience some inconveniences that you aren’t used to. Kitchen and bathroom remodels are very popular for homeowners, and they’re some of the jobs that we at RSU do the most frequently. During a kitchen remodel, you don’t need to eat takeout every night. We are able to set up a temporary kitchen for you and your family to use. If you are remodeling your bathrooms, we will ensure that you still have usable facilities even if it means sharing one bathroom until the others are completed. 


The main disadvantage of choosing an isolated job site for your remodeling project is the cost. In regards to maintaining strict COVID procedures, as mentioned above, the tests will cost more than you may think. If you choose to have your contractors tested regularly, it will run you around $150 per test per person. That can add up quickly. For some people, the added costs are worth it in order to adhere strictly to COVID protocols. You just have to keep in mind that your contractor will have to price this accordingly. 

Another disadvantage to requesting your contractor keep an isolated job site is that the work may not get done quite as quickly as you initially hoped. At RSU Construction, we create a timeline for your job at the start of things and offer regular benchmark meetings with you to let you know the status of our work. We aim to always hit our deadlines and will let you know if any roadblocks arise. If you choose to have an isolated job site for your remodel, it may slow things down, but we will make sure you know this up front.  

RSU Contractors: The Smart Choice  

Whether or not you choose to have an isolated job site for your kitchen or bath remodel, whole home remodel, addition, or other home remodeling job, RSU Contractors has a high standard of customer care and will ensure you are happy with the process. If you don’t request an isolated job site, your home and possessions will still be kept safe when you work with us. Our standard Property Protection Program includes such protective measures as erecting dust barriers, security barriers, ensuring all employees on your job undergo security screenings and safety training, and more. Learn more about us and request a virtual or in person consultation today!