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What to Expect During Your Kitchen Renovation

September 10, 2021


Kitchen Renovation


The excitement of remodeling can often be tempered by anxiety about living in a partially under-construction home. When it comes to renovating your kitchen, this stress can increase as you consider losing access to one of the most commonly used rooms in your house. However, this does not have to be a complicated process. Choosing the right contractor can completely transform the experience because you’ll receive regular updates and understand every process stage. Here’s what you can expect during your kitchen renovation and how contractors can help.  

Have a Realistic Timeline   

While home renovation TV shows are a great way to find inspiration for styles and materials you like, they are often not a realistic estimate of the time it takes to complete these projects. RSU Contractors’ work on HGTV’s Property Brothers is a great example of this! You can check out their works here. Working with the team at RSU, they will lay out a realistic time frame that will ensure your kitchen remodel is completed within your timeline and done correctly. In addition, contractors can help you set a realistic timeline that respects your family’s needs and their desire to do high-quality work. Understanding that your kitchen renovation may take longer than a weekend is vital in managing expectations for this project.   

Set Up a Makeshift Kitchen  

One of the significant adjustments your family will make is not having access to a full kitchen during the renovation. Contractors can tell you when you will be able to use certain parts of this room and when you will not. When it is completely closed off for construction, set up a space with a microwave, mini-fridge or freezer, and a small table to prepare meals. Disposable cups, plates, and utensils may also be a good idea while you do not have access to a sink or dishwasher.  

Move Pet Food and Water Bowls    

If you have pets whose food and water bowls are kept in or near your kitchen, you will need to move these. Try moving them one to two weeks before the renovation starts so that your pet gets used to eating in a new room. Then, when the construction team arrives, your pet will need to stay out of the kitchen for their safety and the team’s.   

Plan For a Little Dust  

Seeing the dust that is created during construction can feel frustrating. The air and movement in your home can even cause the dust to circulate and land in areas away from the kitchen. This is entirely normal and does not persist after the construction team leaves. If you have bedrooms or bathrooms near the kitchen, keep these doors closed during the day to prevent dust gathering on personal items.  

Adjust Your Routine  

If you work remotely or stay home with small children, understand that it can be very noisy during certain construction phases. From sanding to sawing, these are vital but loud parts of your kitchen’s remodeling. Ask your contractor for advance notice of these more audible days, and plan to work from a library or coffee shop. If your children are home and take naps at certain times, see if you can visit a friend or family member for a little quiet time so your little one can sleep.   

Keeping these tips in mind will help you know what to expect during your kitchen renovation. Your contractor is also a great resource who can help you plan for each phase. Speak with your local contractor today, or contact the experts at RSU Contractors to learn more about premier home renovations in the Middle Tennessee area.